(830) 997-3567 info@systemsgo.org

The Boeing Company offers STEM Grant for new SystemsGo schools

SystemsGo is announcing a grant from The Boeing Company that will discount Teacher Training Fees and Annual Curriculum Licensing Fees for two years, beginning in Academic Year 2019-2020! SystemsGo offers an exciting four-year Science, Technology, Engineering and Math...

Tsiolkovsky review team

June, 2018–Not all of the magic at SystemsGo takes place in the sky. Teachers and staff spent a full week in June revising the curriculum for the Tsiolkovsky Level. SystemsGo teachers will soon benefit from a course that has been updated and realigned to current STEM...

Praxair supports SystemsGo rocket launches

June 2018–For the third year in a row, Praxair, Inc., a global industrial gas company based in Danbury, Connecticut, has supplied the rocket fuel for all SystemsGo rocket launches. Scott Netherland, SystemsGo Executive Director, originally reached out to Praxair’s...

Fredericksburg High School students earn banner for WSMR launch

Friday, Dec 22, 2017–SystemsGo presented an achievement award to last year’s senior students from Fredericksburg High School who participated in the Goddard-level rocket launch at White Sands Missile Range (WSMR) on June 28, 2017. The students spent their senior year...

Summer Teacher Training in NM, Houston

Sept 4, 2017–This summer, high school science teachers from Texas and New Mexico underwent training in the SystemsGo rocketry curriculum. On July 10-16, 2017, at Hobbs Municipal Schools Training Center in Hobbs, New Mexico, Rebekah Hyatt, Program Director, conducted...