(830) 997-3567 info@systemsgo.org

Pete Aldridge testimonial

SystemsGo is a proven innovative, project-based, high school aerospace engineering curriculum that incorporates STEM, the industry R&D Loop, Socratic questioning, ROCKETRY and a culminating launch event to develop skills in critical/creative thinking, teamwork, problem-solving, perseverance, communication and leadership. With a mission to enhance education for better workforce development and to ignite tomorrow’s innovators, SysytemsGo encourages students to pursue careers in the engineering industries.

wsmrStudents at the highest level develop hybrid rockets capable of launching scientific payloads to 50,000 feet at White Sands Missile Range.

The program is now used in high schools in Texas, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Colorado, and Abu Dhabi UAE. Graduates work in leadership positions at NASA, SpaceX, Boeing, Lockheed Martin, and other prestigious industries and schools across the country.

For SystemsGo students, it really is rocket science!

Bring SystemsGo to your high school!
Help your aspiring rocket scientists get off the ground with a SystemsGo program in your school!  
Current and former students –
Visit our Alumni page for the latest in internships, grants, and other STEM opportunities!
It IS Rocket Science
Read the feature story on SystemsGo that appeared in Texas Co-Op Power Magazine